King's Gate Christian School


Did you know that you can redirect your tax dollars to support scholarships at King’s Gate? Anyone who pays taxes in the State of Oklahoma can benefit from giving to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund (OSF).

The OSF provides exciting benefits for Oklahoma students, families, schools, and donors. OSF emphasizes scholarship help for lower- and middle-income Oklahoma students, giving them more affordable school choices. Accredited private schools now have a powerful tool for building tuition scholarship capacity. Participating donors and sponsors are eligible for generous Oklahoma tax credits. 

Donor Benefits

In addition to federal and state tax deductions, a contribution to the OSF earns Oklahoma tax credits of 75% of the donation amount when the donor commits to giving the same amount for two consecutive years. The tax credit limits are $1,000 for individual filers, $2,000 for joint filers, and $100,000 for businesses. Believe it or not, some donors have donated to OSF at no net cost! 


How to Donate

Click the donate button at the top of the page to set up an account and donate online. If you prefer to mail a check, set up your account via the OSF donor portal and indicate the amount and that you prefer to send a check for your donation. Make the check payable to the Opportunity Scholarship Fund. Mail to OSF, Attn: Gift Processing, 7633 E 63rd Place, Tulsa, OK 74133. Important: Checks must be postmarked by December 31 to receive tax credits for that year.

Visit Opportunity Scholarship Fund for more information.